

'Lab Rats' - Medical experiments on Aboriginal children in care

Medical experiaments on children in Australia

There is one group in society so powerless, that its voice has not been heard. The abuses its members experienced should make all of those arguing about rights, morality, power, and the separation of Church and State, in the debate on stem cell research, sit up and take notice. Its members are the victims of the lack of church and state separation in past medical experimentation in this country. They are the children who lived in child welfare institutions and were used as real life “lab rats” in the pursuit of medical breakthroughs. [node:read-more:link]

Robert Bropho, Susan Taylor and the Western Australian Government

Australia Perpetuates Cultural Genocide Through Forced Removal of First Nations children

Prior to the late 1990s, Aborigine children were widely regarded as "morally deficient," explains the "Bringing Them Home" report, and the government perpetuated the belief that they were helping disadvantaged children at risk in their own communities by adopting them into white families or government institutions.

How many more suicides will it take?

Report on Deaths in Custody - people dying at high rates
Oz prison population has more than doubled in the last 20 yrs from 15,000 to 31,000. Between 2000 to 2008 prison deaths of 'natural causes' rose to 24.6% per year

Families who need help get their children plunged into out-of-culture foster care

Interview with Frank Hytten on a better future for Indigenous children

No law against genocide means Australia is not a civilised nation

Parts of the Genocide Convention were imported into domestic law by way of the International Criminal Court Consequential Amendments Act 2002, but only the Attorney-General can begin a genocide case and if he/she refuses there is no right of appeal and no reasons need to be given. (268.121 - 268.122). This is contrary to the intent of the long-standing Genocide Convention, which Australia was the third country to sign.

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